Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Principled Leadership
By R. Marc Nuttle

As the political thunder reverberates after the national elections last month, pundits are in unanimity that the general electorate sent a signal of complete and total repudiation of President Obama's policies. However, the real meaning of these elections is deeper than rejection of President Obama.

The election of Republican governors across the country, particularly in northeastern Democratic states, is striking. There have been Republican governors elected before in blue states pursuant to specific circumstances that existed in such states at the time. But it is virtually unprecedented for governors to be elected on a national basis in several states for the same reason. Citizens vote for a member of Congress to debate the issues and, in reference to a particular philosophy, determine policy. They elect a Governor or a President to be a chief executive charged to make decisions, as a Chief Executive Officer, based upon the situation at the time, to solve problems rather than debate. In other words--to make decisions and lead.

What do I mean by "this is deeper than repudiation?" The American public heard, understood, and rejected the policies of liberals at the national level. They have come to the conclusion that what Democrats propose will not work. They turned to Republican governors to make decisions to affect change and produce action, even though they do not know exactly what Republicans are recommending or are going to do. If this was just repudiation of the President, then more Democratic governors would have been elected in the national election. It is important to remember that the general public has only a 25% approval rating of both parties. They voted Republican because they know that liberal programs have not and will not work. Eighty percent of the American public believes that the United States is on the wrong track. Therefore, they made the choice that it is better to give a Republican governor a chance to lead than to remain in the status quo and tread water in the wrong-track channels.

It is now critical that the Republican Party manifest leadership that produces real results for the prosperity of the American people--progress that they can feel and measure. It doesn’t have to be radical change. They can start with passing legislation to allow for the Keystone Pipeline and to abolish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. These could be non-partisan issues promoted for the economic well-being and energy independence for the United States of America.

An opportunity now exists to change the debate. What is missing in the debate is the continuum of principles. What do we believe is the basis for our decisions? What are the overriding absolutes that guide us and differentiate us from past failures of history and statehood? Do we believe in freedom and the right of the individual to pursue happiness as dictated by their God-given talents and gifts? Do we believe in the Constitution and the federation that it establishes between the federal government and the sovereign states? It is important that Republicans explain to the American people who they believe we are and upon what foundations our country was formed. They must explain what principles they hold dear and intend to maintain for future generations.

By these beliefs--derived from these principles--we set priorities. Policy should be pursued to execute priorities based upon principles--principles established as unalienable rights. In Colossians 2:8, we are given sound advice, "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends upon human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."

The Bible sets out examples for the application of principles. Regardless of our religious beliefs, we, as a country, must exercise the debate about natural rights as set out in the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

It is imperative that the Republican Party establish the debate of unalienable rights so that, as we seek solutions together in the 2016 presidential campaign forum, citizens can determine for themselves what they believe, based upon sound principles that determine priorities and policy. Without establishing principles, this election will be just another turn in the cycle of non-determinative electoral contests. If new leadership can define who we are as Americans by applying principles resulting in liberty and freedom, then this last election cycle and the next will be a turning point in our history.

MARC NUTTLE leads the Leadership Networks group for The Statesmen Project. He is an attorney based in Norman, OK who specializes in international trade, foreign policy and political affairs, recognized for his expertise in forecasting political and economic trends. Mr. Nuttle served for six years on the Industrial Policy Advisory Committee for Trade & Policy matters under President Ronald Reagan and served as legal counsel to Reagan's US Synthetic Fuels Transition Team. Mr. Nuttle has represented Oklahoma in international economic development, lectured to members of Parliament in London and Conservative Party leaders in Great Britain on political/economic topics, and advised the countries of Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Russia, as well as corporations owned and controlled by the People's Republic of China. In 2004, he participated in strategy sessions for the US State Dept. & Int'l Republican Institute in Sudan regarding their ongoing peace talks. Mr. Nuttle is the author of the recently published book, Moment of Truth: How Our Government's Addiction to Spending & Power Will Destroy Everything That Makes America Great.

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